Organizing Yogi Doli
“Circuit Breaker Panel”
Yogi Doli is designed with a “circuit breaker panel” and color codes of each organ and gland are modeled on classical Chinese 5 Element Theory.
All of the sense portals of the body (eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tongue) are associated with specific glands and organs and their internal and external relationships can be used to support ones health and well-being.
Follow below to look at each strip individually and better understand how the parts function to support the whole.
The PINEAL gland belongs to the BRAIN.
It is the control panel for the orienteering and the gps, allowing one to see the big picture and the detail.
It is the seventh major gland of the endocrine GLAND SYSTEM.
It is the MIND’S portal that connects the personal to the universal.
Hello, World!
The EYES are the portal to the LIVER which hones in on angles of perception and vision and the way people see. It is an organ of measure and creativity and acts as a filter for cleaning blood.
The GALLBLADDER regulates the NERVOUS SYSTEM and has the function of making judgement calls and decisions in mental processes.
The PITUITARY is akin to side view mirrors and allows for circumferential view.
The liver is an organ of measure, creativity and filters and cleans blood. It is associated with the SPRING season, a time for expansion and growing outward and into the world after a long winters hibernation.
Hello, World!
The EARS are the portal to the KIDNEYS and the kidneys hold water, move water, filter water and help regulate ones internal plumbing.
Kidneys act as an equilibrium tool of measure, regulating internal water and maintaining structure or BONES.
ADRENALS sit right above each kidney and act as the alarms that regulate metabolism, immunity and stress response.
WINTER is associated with the element of WATER which relates to the kidneys and bladder.
Hello, World!
The NOSTRILS are the portals to the LUNGS and access emotions such as memory, sorrow, nostalgia, grief and courage.
The LARGE INTESTINES are the lungs of the bowels and act as the ventilating system for the basement or bottom floor. They can be associated with letting go, eliminating, feeding the earth.
THYROID balances ones internal body temperature and produces hormones that help regulate ones metabolism.
AUTUMN is the season associated with lungs and respiratory which are also the most vulnerable during this time due to excess wind, cold and dryness.
Hello, World!
The MOUTH is the portal to the STOMACH. Foods are digested and turned into nutrients by the stomach and SPLEEN.
The PANCREAS releases chemicals to help digest these foods.
DIGESTIVE organs and glands that function at the highest level are a reflection of good thinking, chewing, pondering and elimination of waste.
This is then what feeds the EARTH and becomes the ground for ALL SEASONS.
Hello, World!
The TONGUE is the portal to the HEART and is associated with speech and virility and FIRE.
The SMALL INTESTINES are the heart of the bowels and break down food that can be absorbed as nutrients
The THYMUS is responsible for the production and maturation of immune cells.
SUMMER is the season associated with the heart and is a time of ripening, expansion and activity.